
/ˈæli uːp/
[ al-ee oop ]

Definition of Alley-oop

Alley-oop in basketball is a play where a player throws the ball near the basket and a teammate jumps to catch and score in one motion.

What is an Alley-oop?

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An Alley-oop in basketball is a high-flying, exciting play that involves teamwork and precise timing. It happens when a player throws the ball up near the hoop, and another player jumps, catches the ball in mid-air and immediately attempts a shot before touching the ground. The key to a successful alley-oop is the combination of a perfectly timed pass and an athlete's ability to jump high and control the ball while airborne. The term originates from the French term "Allez Hop!", an expression of surprise or encouragement.

Examples of how to use the basketball term Alley-oop

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  1. The point guard threw an alley-oop to the center who slammed it into the hoop.
  2. After a series of quick passes, the team executed a perfect alley-oop, exciting the crowd.
  3. The game's highlight was the alley-oop in the final quarter that sealed their victory.

Alley-oop Strategy Tips

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The successful execution of an alley-oop can not only score a team points but also boost morale and momentum. However, it requires precise timing and a good understanding between the passer and the receiver. Therefore, practicing the alley-oop frequently to build this understanding and timing is crucial.
Basketball Terminology

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What does Alley-oop mean in Basketball?

An Alley-oop in basketball is a dramatic play where one player throws the ball near the basket and another player jumps, catches the ball in the air and immediately shoots, all in one smooth motion.

How would you explain Alley-oop in layman's terms?

An alley-oop is like a player tossing the ball up near the hoop and his teammate jumping really high, catching the ball while they're still in the air, and dunking it into the hoop in one swift move.

Who came up with the term Alley-oop?

The term "Alley-oop" is believed to have its origins in the French term "Allez Hop!" which is an expression of surprise or encouragement.

Is the Alley-oop only used in basketball?

While the alley-oop is most commonly associated with basketball, variations of this play are also found in other sports, like American football where a quarterback may throw a pass high and ahead of a receiver to catch.

Can any player perform an Alley-oop?

Technically, any player can perform an alley-oop. However, it usually involves a player with good ball handling and passing skills performing the throw (typically a point guard or shooting guard), and a taller player or one with good jumping ability to catch it in mid-air and score (commonly a small forward, power forward or center).

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