Chest Pass

/ˈtʃɛst pæs/
[ chess - pass ]

Definition of Chest Pass

The Chest Pass is a basic and common pass in basketball, thrown in a straight line from the chest.

What is Chest Pass?

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The chest pass is one of the most fundamental and frequently used passes in a basketball game. Players position the ball level with their chest, then thrust their arms forward to throw it directly towards the receiving teammate. This direct, in-line pass minimizes the risk of interceptions and ensures accuracy. To maintain control of the ball, fingers are spread on the ball and the thumbs are turned down at the release point.

Examples of how to use the basketball term Chest Pass

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  1. Mike sent a swift and accurate chest pass to his teammate.
  2. Practicing the chest pass can improve your game significantly.
  3. Sarah's chest pass was intercepted by the opponent.

Chest Pass Strategy Tips

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To make an effective chest pass, always step into the pass to gain momentum; aim for your teammate's chest area or just a little in front of where they are moving to; keep your hands on the sides of the ball while passing to ensure accuracy.
Basketball Terminology

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What does Chest Pass mean in Basketball?

In basketball, a chest pass refers to a basic pass where the basketball is thrown from chest height to the chest height of the receiving player in a straight line.

How would you explain Chest Pass in layman's terms?

A chest pass is like playing catch. You hold the ball at your chest and throw it straight to someone else's chest.

What's the purpose of a chest pass in basketball?

The purpose of a chest pass is to quickly and accurately get the ball to another player in a straight line, making it hard for opponents to intercept.

How can I improve my chest pass?

You can improve your chest pass by practicing regularly. Always aim for your teammate's chest area or slightly ahead of them if they're moving. Also, step into the pass to gain momentum.

Is the chest pass used in professional basketball games?

Yes, the chest pass is a basic fundamental skill used at all levels in basketball, from beginners to professionals.

More Basketball Terminology

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