On-Ball Screen

/ɒn-bɔːl skriːn/
[ on-ball skreen ]

Definition of On-Ball Screen

An on-ball screen is a basketball maneuver where a player sets a block to help a teammate.

What is an On-Ball Screen?

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The on-ball screen, also known as a pick, is a common strategy in basketball used to free a player from a defender. This maneuver involves one player, the screener, standing so as to block a defensive player's path, providing their teammate(s), usually the ball carrier, with an opportunity to drive, shoot, or pass. The goal of this play is to create space and give the offensive team a tactical advantage.

Examples of how to use the basketball term On-Ball Screen

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  1. The point guard utilized the on-ball screen set by the forward to get an open shot.
  2. They executed a successful on-ball screen, freeing the shooting guard to score the three-pointer.
  3. A well-practiced on-ball screen can often disrupt the opposing team's defense strategy.

On-Ball Screen Strategy Tips

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An effective on-ball screen requires two key elements - good communication and timing. The screener should set the screen at an angle that maximizes the space created for the teammate with the ball. It's also beneficial for the team to diversify the locations of the screen to keep their gameplay unpredictable.
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What does On-Ball Screen mean in Basketball?

In basketball, an on-ball screen refers to a tactical play where a player sets a block against an opponent to free their teammate, typically the one carrying the ball, enabling them to shoot, pass, or drive.

How would you explain On-Ball Screen in layman's terms?

An on-ball screen is like a moving roadblock. It's when one player stands in the way of an opponent, blocking them and creating a clear path for their teammate to advance.

Why is an On-Ball Screen vital in basketball?

An On-Ball Screen is essential because it creates space for offensive plays, making it harder for the defense to predict or stop the play, hence increasing scoring opportunities.

Can any player perform an On-Ball Screen?

Yes, any player can perform an on-ball screen although it's typically executed by offensive players to give the ball handler a chance to make a scoring move.

What are some strategies to effectively perform an On-Ball Screen?

An effective on-ball screen involves good communication and impeccable timing. The screener must set the block to maximize space for the ball handler. Also, varying the locations of the screen can help to keep gameplay unpredictable.

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