Skip Pass

/skɪp pæs/
[ skip pass ]

Definition of Skip Pass

A skip pass is a type of pass in basketball that moves over the heads of other players to reach a teammate.

What is a Skip Pass?

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A skip pass in basketball is a strategic move typically used to transfer the ball from one side of the court to the other. The player tosses the ball over the heads of the defensive players towards a teammate on the other side. This move is known for its ability to bypass several players at once, potentially creating open shot opportunities or disrupting the defense's positioning.

Examples of how to use the basketball term Skip Pass

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  1. John faked a dribble then executed a perfect skip pass to his teammate for the open three-pointer.
  2. The skip pass broke through the tight defense, allowing us to score the winning basket.
  3. To open up the game, their point guard threw a skip pass across the defense to the open player in the corner.

Skip Pass Strategy Tips

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The skip pass can effectively disrupt the opposing team's defensive structure, providing an opportunity for a quick shot or opening lanes for further offensive plays. However, this pass can be risky because it typically covers a long distance, thus increasing the chance of interception or mishandling.
Basketball Terminology

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What does Skip Pass mean in Basketball?

In basketball, a skip pass is a long-range pass that 'skips' over the heads of several players to reach a far teammate, often on the other side of the court.

How would you explain Skip Pass in layman's terms?

A skip pass is like throwing a stone across a pond to skip over the water. It's a basketball throw that goes over the other players – it 'skips' over them – to reach a teammate on the other side of the court.

When is the best time to use a skip pass?

A skip pass is best used when there's a teammate open on the opposite side of the court. This pass can quickly switch the play and may confuse or break up the defensive team's setup.

What are the risks involved with a skip pass?

Despite its potential benefits, a skip pass can be risky. It typically covers a long distance, increasing the chance of an interception by the defense or mishandling by your own teammate.

Can anyone perform a skip pass in a game?

Yes, any player can technically perform a skip pass. However, it typically requires good vision, understanding of the game's flow, and passing accuracy to execute it effectively.

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