
[ steel ]

Definition of Steal

In basketball, a steal is when a defensive player legally causes a turnover by intercepting a pass.

What is a Steal?

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A steal in basketball happens when a defensive player successfully and legally manages to take the ball away from an offensive player. This is typically achieved either by intercepting a pass, causing an opponent to lose control of the ball, or contesting a dribble and gaining control. It's an important statistic in the game as it signifies a shift in possession from the opponents to your team and a chance to score.

Examples of how to use the basketball term Steal

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  1. With quick reflexes, John was able to achieve a steal and pass the ball to his teammate.
  2. Due to her anticipation skills, she leads her team in steals.
  3. After making that steal, he drove the ball down the court for a fast break.

Steal Strategy Tips

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Acquiring steals typically requires a good understanding of the opponent's playstyle and anticipation of their moves. Quick reflexes and agility are important, as steals often involve fast, unpredictable actions.
Basketball Terminology

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What does Steal mean in Basketball?

In basketball, a steal means when a defensive player legally causes a turnover by intercepting a pass or taking the ball away from an offensive player.

How would you explain Steal in layman's terms?

A "steal" in basketball is like snatching away the ball from the other team while they are still in control of it without committing a foul.

Why are steals important in basketball?

Steals are important in basketball because they stop the opponent's scoring opportunity and create a potential opportunity for your team to score. It signifies a shift in control of the game.

Who holds the record for the most steals in NBA?

As of now, the record for the most steals in a NBA career is held by John Stockton.

What skills are important for achieving a steal in basketball?

Skills that are important for achieving a steal in basketball include quick reflexes, anticipation, agility, and a good understanding of the opponent's playstyle.

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