Turnaround Jump Shot

/ˈtɜrnəˌraʊnd ˈʤʌmp ʃɑːt/
[ turn–uh–round jump shot ]

Definition of Turnaround Jump Shot

A turnaround jump shot is a basketball move where a player spins around before shooting the ball.

What is a Turnaround Jump Shot?

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A turnaround jump shot is an offensive basketball move where the player who has the ball spins around near the basket in order to face the hoop. During this maneuver, the player makes a jump while simultaneously taking a shot at the basket. This technique takes advantage of the defender's position and the element of surprise to create an opening for the shot.

Examples of how to use the basketball term Turnaround Jump Shot

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1. "The player executed a perfect turnaround jump shot, leaving the defender completely surprised." 2. "Using a turnaround jump shot, he was able to raise above the defender and score." 3. "The coach instructed the team to practice their turnaround jump shots during the training session."

Turnaround Jump Shot Strategy Tips

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Work on improving footwork and shooting form for a successful turnaround jump shot. Practice the spin-move and the subsequent jump shot to make it smooth and fluid. Use this move unpredictably to keep your defender’s off-guard.
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What does Turnaround Jump Shot mean in Basketball?

In basketball, a Turnaround Jump Shot refers to an offensive move where a player holding the ball spins around near the basket, faces the hoop and jumps while taking a shot at the basket.

How would you explain Turnaround Jump Shot in layman's terms?

A Turnaround Jump Shot is a basketball move where the player with the ball turns quickly to face the hoop and then jumps to shoot the ball.

Is a Turnaround Jump Shot effective in a game?

Yes, a Turnaround Jump Shot can be highly effective in creating scoring opportunities, especially when used unpredictably. It uses the element of surprise, taking advantage of the defender's position.

Is a Turnaround Jump Shot difficult to pull off?

A Turnaround Jump Shot can be challenging to execute as it requires good footwork, agility, and accurate shooting skills. It is recommended to practice this move to master it.

What players are known for their Turnaround Jump Shot?

Legendary players such as Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant were known for their effective use of the Turnaround Jump Shot in their games.

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